Learn. Play. Grow. at The Corlears School

For the past three years, The GIANT Room has had the honor of participating in The Corlears School’s “Learn. Play. Grow.” events! Corlears announces a theme for each event, and we here at GIANT scheme up some fun activities to lead. We are always inspired by what the kids at Corlears create at these events.

This semester, LPG was kicked off with a Halloween theme on October 28th! We had three stations; each with a different spooky or fall themed activity.

The first station was to make spooky lanterns made out of paper, LED lights, and googly eyes—a GIANT favorite. 

The second station was to decorate your very own Catrina! La Calavera Catrina, which translates to The Dapper Skull in English, is a skull design that appears mostly in artwork associated with Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Mexico.

We made the Catrinas using our laser cutter at our GIANT Hub, and provided pom poms, tissue paper, and markers for guests to decorate!

The third station was to build your very own haunted house using craft boxes, paper, clay, markers, and LED lights! This was by far the spookiest activity and the final products did not disappoint!

GIANT hopped back over to Corlears on November 11th to celebrate Gratitude Day! Yet again, we provided more fall related activities, but this time centered around family and friendship!

The first station was to create your own thankful turkey! A popular Thanksgiving craft. You just take a toilet paper roll, add eyes and a beak, and add feathers that represent what you’re thankful for!

The second station was tied to our GIANT Gratitude mission! We asked each child “what is something you are grateful for learning this year?” and they drew it! We then “remixed” these drawings into AI Appreciation Avatars, designed gratitude writing/drawing prompts inspired by them, and featured in our GIANT Gratitude Journal!

The third station was to create pop-up cards! Each child made a thoughtful card for a loved one, but added a fun pop-up element!

The fourth station was to make friendship bracelets! We provided beads and yarn so kids could make bracelets for as many friends and family members as they wanted!

Learn. Play. Grow. at Corlears is always an amazing way to spend a Saturday! The next Learn. Play. Grow. event will be held on December 2nd and the theme is Winter Fest! We hope to see you there!