DESCRIPTION: For kids who dream of the coolest avatars and dare to design the most epic arcade games! Participants will learn fundamentals in game design, design prototype, and build their own arcade games, puzzles, mazes, spinners, dices, target games, and more! In addition, we'll exolore technique to integrate avatars and narratives in our interactive games. Participants will design their own characters, learn digital prototyping to make their own avatars, and integrate stories into their interactive games. They’ll build structures made of wood panels to hide the tiniest bugs to be found, make mazes out of paper and cardboard with stories no one can resists, use DC motors and arts and crafts materials to make spinners and dices to play games of chance, or even design their own “finger sport” boards and challenge friends to play with them! This series is a wonderful combination of design thinking and creative STEM making.
Recommended for ages 8-10
FORMAT: In Person at PS 33
DATES: Tuesdays at 3:00-5:00pm (Pick up is from 5-5:30pm), from Feb 6th to Jun. 18th (skipping Feb 20, Apr 23, Apr 30 for public school holidays)
Fundamentals in game design and game mechanics
Digital art and character design
Game design, prototyping, and fabricating physical arcade games, board games, and more
PRICE: $54 per session when you sign up for the full semester or $62 per individual session
![Game Mission.jpeg](
![3-Games of Chance - spinner_Edited (2).png](
![4-Grabbing games_edited.jpg](
![Finger Puppets - Boxing_Battle_ Pack 2 Complete Remake_edited.jpg](