DESCRIPTION: For kids who dare to be serious about poop! Everybody poops (from us humans to animals and bugs!) and there is a science behind it! Why do we poop? How does our digestive system work? How and why my poop is different than of an elephant or a mouse? Where does everyone poop? How might a unicorn’s poop look like and why the only museum of poop in the world (it’s in Japan) so colorful and happy? How come ChatGPT doesn’t know any poop jokes? We’ll ask lots of poop-related questions, do gross science experiments, make models, and simply share our poop love with each other. From coding poop games to writing comics, producing stop motion animations, making arcade games, doing scientific poop eye tricks, composing poop songs and curating poop dances, designing poop bot cafes, designing and making a museum of poop emotions (hello kawaii and emojis!), to poop related inventions: high might we solve NASA astronaut’s poop problem or how might we design an auto poop collector for dogs in our city? Speaking of our city, there is a whole poop city underground in our sewage system - how does that work?
This series is wonderful blend of creative STEM learning and making - from science to coding, creative writing, designing, games, robotics, engineering, and problem solving - all focused on poop as our theme! A completely new series from The GIANT Room, co-designed with GIANT kids throughout the years, inspired by all of our poop jokes and creative poop projects made behind the scenes.
Recommended for ages 5-7
FORMAT: In Person at PS 33
DATES: Mondays at 3:00-5:00pm (Pick up is from 5-5:30pm), from Sept. 18th to Jan. 29th (Skipping 9/25, 10/09, 12/25, 1/1, 1/15 for public school holiday)
Biology and digestive system of all types of animals and bugs
Robotics and problem solving
Game design and game play
Chemistry - mixtures and solutions, states of matter, pH measurement
PRICE: $54 per session when you sign up for the full semester or $62 per individual session